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Dentistry. Textbook. Медведев Ю.А., Басин Е.М., Милюкова Д.Ю., Поляков К.А. "МИА" (Медицинское информационное агентство). 2019

Dentistry. Textbook. Медведев Ю.А., Басин Е.М., Милюкова Д.Ю., Поляков К.А. "МИА" (Медицинское информационное агентство). 2019

1500 руб.
В корзину

ISBN 978-5-9986-0391-4

Издательство: "МИА"

Год издания: 2021

Кол-во страниц: 384

Формат: (в пер.) 

Вес: 1,000 кг.
Цена: 1500 руб.

The textbook covers the main issues of dentistry: anatomical and physiological characteristics and diseases of the maxillo-facial area, methods of anesthesia for surgeries, recommendations on prevention and treatment are provided. The textbook is supplemented with new information on modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the maxillo-facial area diseases, additional illustrations are included.

The edition was prepared by the staff of the Department for Maxillofacial Surgery of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University on the basis of years of experience in teaching the course of dentistry according to the requirements of federal state standards of higher professional education in such specialties as “General Medicine”, “Medical and Preventive Care”, “Pediatrics”. It is recommended by the State-Funded Institution of Higher Professional Education “Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education” of the Ministry of Health of Russia as a textbook.
Intended for students of medical schools and practicing doctors