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Algorithms for simple medical manipulations and first aid in emergency situations. Ибатов А.Д., Захарова Л.А. "МИА" (Медицинское информационное агентство). 2022

Algorithms for simple medical manipulations and first aid in emergency situations. Ибатов А.Д., Захарова Л.А. "МИА" (Медицинское информационное агентство). 2022

1500 руб.
В корзину

ISBN 978-5-9986-0457-7

Издательство: "МИА"

Год издания: 2022

Кол-во страниц: 224

Формат: (в пер.) 

Вес: 1,000 кг.
Цена: 1500 руб.

The manual “Algorithms for simple medical manipulations and first aid in emergency situations” is intended for students studying in the specialties 31.05.01 “General Medicine”, 31.05.03 “Dentistry” and the training program 34.03.01 “Nursing”, and it will also be useful for students of medical colleges and schools studying in the specialty 34.02.01 “Nursing”.